July 7, 2024

From Superman to Super Setbacks: Henry Cavill’s Unbelievable Missed Opportunities in Hollywood

Henry Cavill’s ‘What If’ Career Path: Roles He Could Have Played

Henry Cavill has proven himself to be one of Hollywood’s most talented and dedicated actors. Over the past decade and a half, he has taken on iconic roles in major blockbuster franchises like Superman and The Witcher. However, Cavill’s career could have gone down some very different paths if he had landed a few other high-profile parts he was in the running for early in his career. From James Bond to Wolverine, Cavill came close to defining several beloved characters but ultimately missed out. Let’s take a look at some of Cavill’s biggest “what if” roles and how his career may have shaped up differently had he been cast.

James Bond

One of Cavill’s earliest missed opportunities was arguably one of the most coveted roles in cinema – James Bond. Cavill was reportedly on producer Barbara Broccoli’s shortlist to take over the role of 007 from Daniel Craig after Skyfall in 2012. At just 29 years old at the time, Cavill would have been one of the youngest actors ever to play Bond. With his rugged good looks, chiseled physique, and natural charm, Cavill certainly had all the right attributes to slip into the iconic tuxedo.

However, the role ultimately went to Craig to continue his successful run as Bond for one more film, Spectre. While Craig delivered as expected, Cavill would have undoubtedly put his own unique spin on the legendary spy. His youth and intensity may have shifted the Bond films in a fresher direction during the franchise’s transition to a new leading man. Cavill coming into the part in his prime physical shape also could have led to some truly spectacular action sequences. While the missed opportunity was surely disappointing for Cavill fans at the time, it’s fun to imagine the alternate timeline where he launched his career by becoming the new James Bond in the late 2010s.


On the surface, it may seem strange to consider Cavill missing out on the role he’s now most famous for – Superman in the DC Extended Universe. However, Cavill’s portrayal of Clark Kent/Kal-El was far from universally beloved when Man of Steel released in 2013. Many fans and critics felt he wasn’t given strong enough material to truly shine in the part. Some even argued his brooding, somber take on the character missed the optimistic spirit at Superman’s core. Had he not landed the role, it’s easy to imagine an alternate actor defining Superman for a new generation in a potentially more crowd-pleasing way.

Of course, missing out on Superman would have dramatically altered the trajectory of Cavill’s entire career over the last decade. He wouldn’t have gone on to continue playing the iconic hero in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or Justice League. This also means he wouldn’t have been attached to the now-canceled Man of Steel sequel that was intended to reboot the character. For Cavill, not securing Superman could have opened up many new potential roles instead of tying him to the complex DCEU for years. It’s fun to imagine the blockbusters he may have starred in had he not become the DCEU’s Superman.


Before Hugh Jackman made the role his own across 17 years and 9 X-Men films, Cavill actually auditioned for Wolverine in the first X-Men movie in 2000. At just 17 years old at the time, Cavill was still green as an actor but clearly possessed the right physique and intensity for the iconic Marvel mutant. While Jackman went on to deliver one of the most memorable comic book performances ever, Cavill’s take on Wolverine is an enticing “what if.”

Had he beaten Jackman to the part, Cavill’s Wolverine may have had a grittier, more feral edge that leaned harder into the character’s ferocity and animalistic instincts. His youth also would have allowed him to play the role much longer. We may have gotten over a decade more of Cavill’s Wolverine across many X-Men films if things had shaken out differently. It’s a true testament to Jackman’s brilliance that the role became so synonymous with him. But Cavill fans will always wonder what could have been with the British star slashing his way through the X-Men universe in the brown and yellow costume.


While Cavill did ultimately play Superman in Batman v Superman, there was also speculation he was considered for the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in the film before it was offered to Ben Affleck. This is another enticing “what if” casting, as Cavill has proven he excels at playing brooding, tortured heroes through roles like Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher Netflix series. His gritty intensity and physicality would have served an older, disillusioned Batman well as the caped crusader faced off against Superman.

Cavill’s version of the Dark Knight may have leaned even harder into the damaged, paranoid elements that made Affleck’s Batman such a compelling character. And Cavill would have certainly held his own in the iconic costume and cowl alongside Henry’s Superman. It’s easy to picture memorable fight sequences of the two titans duking it out with Cavill menacingly staring down from behind the white eyes of the Batman mask. While Affleck was great in the role, many fans remain curious about what Cavill could have brought to the part of Bruce Wayne.

Alternative Paths

Of course, it’s impossible to say these missed opportunities were necessarily bad outcomes for Cavill’s career. All the hypothetical roles discussed came with their own set of risks, and things may not have worked out as smoothly as imagined. Cavill also landed plenty of other great roles that could have been altered or never happened if his career charted a different course. For example, he may have never been free to play Theseus in Immortals or Sherlock Holmes in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. if tied to a major franchise in one of his “what if” roles.

In the end, Cavill has forged a very successful path as both a leading man and passionate artist, whether playing iconic heroes or complex characters. All the doors that didn’t open for him led to many others that did. While fans can always ponder the roads not taken, Cavill seems content with the journey that brought him to roles like Geralt, which allow him to fully realize rich characters. His career remains on an exciting upswing, and there are surely many great parts still ahead, free from the constraints of hypotheticals. Cavill may not have played every character fans imagine, but he continues crafting memorable performances in his own right.

In conclusion, Henry Cavill has proven himself one of the most talented and charismatic leading men working today. While his career path could have gone down many alternative routes if he had landed some of Hollywood’s most coveted roles earlier on, things still worked out well for Cavill. He has left his mark on iconic parts like Superman and shown his versatility in projects like The Witcher. Cavill also remains young enough at just 38 that there is plenty of time for more great roles to define him, whether expected or surprising. As long as he continues dedicating himself fully to each new character, Cavill’s most exciting performances may still be yet to come.

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