July 7, 2024

Think you know Jason Kelce? Think again! Here are 5 common misconceptions about the Eagles’ powerhouse center that might surprise you

Beyond the Facemask: Understanding the Leadership and Excellence of Jason Kelce

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When people think of Jason Kelce, the Philadelphia Eagles’ star center, they often make assumptions based solely on his physical appearance and style of play. As one of the smaller and scrappier linemen in the NFL, Kelce has built a reputation as a bruising blocker who relentlessly powers through defenders. However, this perception fails to fully capture the intelligence, versatility, and leadership that have made Kelce a cornerstone of the Eagles’ success for over a decade. Upon closer examination, several commonly held beliefs about Kelce prove to be misleading or outright false. Here are five things people often misunderstand about one of the greatest centers of his generation.

He’s Just a Brute Enforcer

It’s true that Kelce plays with a physical, aggressive style that reflects his blue-collar roots growing up in Ohio. At just 6’3″ and 295 pounds, he lacks the towering stature of some linemen. However, Kelce’s intelligence and mental processing are what set him apart. Far from just a battering ram, Kelce is renowned as one of the best line callers in the NFL. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of protections and adjustments and is constantly communicating with his linemates pre-snap to identify blitzes and stunts. Kelce takes charge of making last-second changes based on the defense’s looks. This mental acuity is a big reason the Eagles have consistently fielded one of the league’s top offensive lines throughout Kelce’s career. While he plays big, Kelce’s true greatness stems from his cerebral approach to the game.

He Only Cares About Individual Accolades

Despite earning numerous individual honors like six Pro Bowl selections and a Super Bowl MVP award, Kelce has always been about team success over personal glory. After winning Super Bowl LII, Kelce famously declared it “the greatest moment of my career, to be able to hoist that trophy with my brother and to be able to experience that with the men in this room every single day.” His brother, Eagles tight end Zach Kelce, was also part of the championship team. Jason’s postgame speech highlighted how much the shared experience with his teammates meant to him. Even in his acceptance of individual accolades, Kelce consistently deflects praise to those around him. His leadership and commitment to Philadelphia are what drive him, not racking up personal stats or awards. Kelce embodies what it means to be a selfless team captain.

He’s Not Vocal or Outspoken

While Kelce may keep to himself with the media, he is anything but quiet on the field. He vocally directs the Eagles’ protection schemes pre-snap and can be heard rallying his teammates throughout games. Kelce also isn’t afraid to speak truth to power, as evidenced by his now-legendary Super Bowl parade speech lambasting the Philadelphia mayor. Off the field, Kelce uses his platform to advocate for social justice causes and isn’t shy about expressing political views. For Eagles fans, Kelce’s fiery postgame interviews have become must-see TV. Far from a silent bystander, Kelce leads by example both verbally and through his elite play. His vocal leadership in the huddle and locker room is a driving force for the team.

He’s Only Good in the Running Game

While Kelce excels as a run blocker thanks to his power and leverage, he is equally skilled in pass protection. Kelce has developed into one of the premier pass-blocking centers in the NFL, using technique and intelligence to stymie even the quickest defensive tackles. Pro Football Focus consistently grades Kelce as one of the best pass-blocking centers season after season. He gives Philadelphia’s quarterbacks time to operate and allows the offense to remain balanced. Kelce is a well-rounded, complete player who impacts the game in all facets. It’s a disservice to label him as just a “running game” center when he thrives in both aspects. Kelce’s all-around excellence makes him one of the most valuable two-way linemen in football.

He’s on the Downhill of His Career

At 34 years old heading into his 12th NFL season, Kelce is certainly no spring chicken compared to younger centers just entering their primes. However, recent performances suggest Kelce shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to play at an elite level year after year while maintaining his trademark toughness and leadership. Kelce made his sixth consecutive Pro Bowl in 2022, a testament to his sustained excellence. While age eventually catches up to even the best players, Kelce seems determined to keep rewriting the script. As long as he maintains his physical conditioning and mental approach, Kelce could continue anchoring Philadelphia’s line for seasons to come. Unless significant injuries arise, it’s too soon to assume Kelce’s career is winding down based solely on his age. Like many greats before him, Kelce continues to defy expectations of decline well into his 30s.

In summary, while Jason Kelce may appear to be simply a gritty, in-your-face blocker based on his stature and style of play, a deeper look reveals so much more. Kelce is one of the smartest centers in the league whose mental processing drives his success just as much as his physical talents. He is the epitome of a selfless team leader who plays not for accolades but to win championships. Kelce excels in all facets of his position, from run blocking to pass protection, and shows no signs of slowing down despite his veteran status. By understanding Kelce’s full abilities and approach, it becomes clear why he is undoubtedly one of the greatest centers of his generation and in Philadelphia sports history. His excellence and leadership will cement his legacy as one of the all-time Eagles greats.


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