July 7, 2024

The Weight of the Crown: Revealing Patrick Mahomes’ Battle with the Pitfalls of Early Success

The Rise and Challenges of Patrick Mahomes

When Patrick Mahomes was drafted 10th overall by the Kansas City Chiefs in the 2017 NFL Draft, few could have predicted just how quickly he would rise to become one of the league’s biggest stars. In only his second season as a starter in 2018, Mahomes threw for over 5000 yards and 50 touchdowns, earning NFL MVP honors and leading the Chiefs to the AFC Championship game. His combination of arm talent, athleticism, and playmaking ability made him must-watch TV every Sunday.

However, finding yourself in the national spotlight at such a young age, with immense expectations and responsibilities, does not come without potential challenges. While Mahomes seems to have handled his newfound fame remarkably well so far, rising from relative obscurity to become a superstar in just two short years was no easy task. Here are some of the difficulties he may have faced along the way.

Social Isolation and Lack of Privacy

One of the biggest adjustments for any young athlete who becomes hugely successful is losing their privacy and normal social life. When you’re Patrick Mahomes, every move you make is documented and dissected. Hanging out with friends becomes nearly impossible without being photographed or having your conversations overheard. Maintaining normal relationships gets much harder.

For most of his life up until being drafted, Mahomes was able to go about his daily business without much attention or scrutiny. But after just one amazing season in Kansas City, going out in public became a production. Any restaurant or event Mahomes attended immediately became flooded with fans and cameras trying to get a glimpse of the new star quarterback. Maintaining a low-key social life as a young, single man in his early twenties became virtually impossible.

While Mahomes seems to handle the attention remarkably well and is always friendly with fans, the lack of privacy that comes with superstardom can be mentally taxing. It’s difficult for someone his age to go through normal experiences of self-discovery and social bonding without the whole world watching your every move. Building trust in new friendships when anyone could be selling photos or stories to the tabloids must be challenging. The isolation of fame is something all young stars struggle with to varying degrees.

Pressure to Maintain Peak Performance

In the what-have-you-done-for-me-lately culture of the NFL, the pressure on Patrick Mahomes to replicate or even surpass his otherworldly 2018 season on an annual basis must be immense. One off game or minor slump could cause endless scrutiny from critics and doubters. For a young quarterback still developing his game, maintaining that high level of elite play week after week, year after year, is no small task.

In 2019, despite still putting up huge numbers, Mahomes stats regressed slightly from his MVP campaign. This was enough for some pundits to question if defenses had started to “figure him out” in his second year as a starter. A few mediocre games in 2020 due to injury saw similar hot takes emerge. For anyone, but especially a 24-year old, coping with this kind of intense pressure to perform perfectly must be draining.

The Chiefs and their fans expect nothing less than a Super Bowl every season with Mahomes at quarterback. While that drive is part of what makes him great, living up to those sky-high expectations in such a volatile, injury-prone sport is nearly impossible. A few subpar outings are inevitable over the course of a long career, but for Mahomes even small dips raise major questions. Dealing with that level of scrutiny so young would challenge anyone.

Managing Finances

With his first contract extension in 2020 worth a reported $450 million over 10 years, Patrick Mahomes became the highest-paid player in NFL history. While set for generations financially, coming into that type of money in your early 20s brings its own set of potential pitfalls. For every player who handles their wealth responsibly, there are plenty of examples of young athletes who squandered fortunes due to poor financial planning or decision making.

It would be naive to think Mahomes was completely prepared for the business and investing complexities that came with being a billionaire athlete before even turning 25 years old. Learning to distinguish honest financial advisors from those just trying to access his money, resist get-rich-quick or risky investment schemes, and think long-term about saving and generational planning takes maturity. Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy for money issues to arise.

While Mahomes seems intelligent and well-grounded, the temptation of lavish purchases, indulgent lifestyles, or helping out too many friends/family too quickly are real challenges. Maintaining focus on his career over business ventures or brand deals must compete for his attention. Getting proper financial education while at the height of his earning power wasn’t easy. Handling wealth wisely long-term requires constant learning and discipline.

Exposure to Negative Media Scrutiny

Part of the double-edged sword of fame and success is the unforgiving media spotlight that comes with it. When you’re the star quarterback of one of the league’s marquee franchises, every game and comment is dissected. For Patrick Mahomes, who seems to thrive under pressure on the field, dealing with intense media criticism off it presents a different kind of challenge.

While he’s mostly faced adulation so far, the first signs of any struggle are sure to bring out critics questioning whether he’s still “worth it” or if his unprecedented success was a fluke. Any mid-game sideline spat or perceived attitude gets magnified. Off-field incidents or controversial social media posts lead to massive overreactions. Maintaining a thick skin and perspective through the inevitable ups and downs would be difficult for anyone.

We’ve already seen glimpses of how harsh the hot take culture can be towards even the biggest stars. A few subpar games due to injury saw some question whether Mahomes was still an “elite” quarterback. An ill-advised social media activity led to accusations of lack of leadership. For a young man still learning and growing personally, this kind of public dissection at the first sign of imperfection would be challenging to cope with mentally. Few can block out criticism entirely, and it takes maturity to use it constructively.

Temptation of Risky Behavior

Finally, the lifestyle that comes with being a young, rich, famous athlete in a city like Kansas City brings with it significant temptations that Mahomes has had to navigate. Late nights out partying, lavish spending, entanglements with the wrong crowds or romantic partners – these pitfalls have undone many talented players before they even hit their primes. While he seems well-adjusted, anyone in their early 20s would struggle with these influences at times.

From reports, Mahomes seems to have avoided any major missteps so far. But living under a microscope, with endless people wanting to be around him or profit from his brand, has its risks. Gambling and risk-taking on or off the field are vices that have damaged careers. Maintaining focus and discipline, prioritizing his long-term health and career, and making wise relationship choices long-term require constant maturity. It’s easy to understand how distractions could creep in for any young athlete in his position.

While he seems to have a strong support system around him to avoid these pitfalls, the pressure is always there. One bad decision can undo years of work on and off the field. For someone still learning life lessons, having endless opportunities for trouble available must present an ongoing challenge. Staying grounded despite all the fame and access to excess requires daily commitment.


Of course, every young star faces their own unique set of challenges. And it’s impossible to say definitively what specific difficulties Patrick Mahomes may have encountered on his journey thus far. By all accounts, he has handled his rocketing rise to fame remarkably well through hard work, humility and strong character. But it should not be forgotten how difficult navigating superstardom can be, especially for someone still in their early 20s.

While his on-field performance has lived up to the hype so far, developing as a leader and person away from the game presents an ongoing process. Maintaining perspective through inevitable ups and downs, prioritizing long-term success over short-term pleasures, and making wise personal choices will continue to challenge Mahomes for years to come. So far he has proven up to the task at every turn, but true greatness requires constant growth. How he matures through future obstacles will shape his ultimate legacy.

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