July 7, 2024

Patrick Mahomes shares how his canine companion brings joy and balance to his busy life both on and off the field

How Dogs Might Positively Impact Patrick Mahomes’ Life

Patrick Mahomes has quickly become one of the biggest stars in the NFL as the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs. At just 26 years old, he already has a Super Bowl title, a Super Bowl MVP award, and an NFL MVP award to his name. However, outside of football, not much is publicly known about Mahomes’ personal life. While he doesn’t often discuss his dogs publicly, it’s clear from his social media that he shares his home with two canine companions – Steel and Silver.

While we can’t say for certain how his dogs impact Mahomes, research on the human-animal bond provides insights into some of the potential positive influences they may have on his life. Owning pets, especially dogs, has been shown to provide a variety of mental, physical, and emotional benefits. As a high-profile athlete in one of the most demanding sports, Mahomes could greatly benefit from the stress relief, companionship, motivation, routine, and joy that dogs can offer.

Stress Relief

Playing quarterback in the NFL comes with immense pressure and stress. Mahomes is constantly in the spotlight and expected to lead his team to victory on game days. He also puts in long hours of practice and film study to hone his skills and game plans. All that pressure and mental exertion can take a toll both physically and mentally over the course of a grueling season.

Studies have found that interacting with dogs is an effective way to lower stress levels. When dogs are around, it causes the body to produce more oxytocin, the “love hormone” that counters the effects of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. Petting, playing with, or just being around dogs has been shown to lower cortisol levels in the body. For athletes, this stress relief can have important benefits for both physical and mental performance.

After a tough game or long practice, playing fetch or wrestling with his dogs Steel and Silver could provide Mahomes with an enjoyable stress-busting activity. The unconditional love and acceptance dogs offer may help him relax and unwind without overthinking his performance. Getting some quality time with his pets on a regular basis could help Mahomes better manage the stresses of his high-pressure career.


As an NFL player, Mahomes spends much of his time focused on his job – practicing, training, traveling, and playing games. The football schedule and lifestyle doesn’t always allow for a typical social life outside of his teammates. During the offseason when he’s back home in Texas, and especially when traveling for away games, Mahomes likely experiences periods of loneliness being apart from family and friends for extended stretches.

Having dogs in his life provides a constant source of companionship to help alleviate loneliness. Even simple acts like greeting him at the door after a long day or cuddling on the couch while he watches TV offers valuable companionship. Dogs are always happy to see their owners, which can boost mood and morale. When living out of a hotel on the road, Steel and Silver’s presence could make unfamiliar places feel more like home.

The human-animal bond is a powerful thing. Spending quality one-on-one time bonding, playing, and caring for his dogs can strengthen Mahomes’ social and emotional well-being during periods when human interaction is more limited due to his football commitments. Their companionship may be a comforting constant as he navigates the ups and downs of his high-profile career.

Motivation and Exercise

As a professional athlete, Mahomes knows the importance of an active lifestyle and keeping his body in top shape year-round. However, maintaining motivation for exercise outside the structure of football can be challenging. Having dogs provides built-in motivation to stay active on a regular basis.

Dogs need walks, playtime in the yard, trips to the dog park – all of which require physical activity from their owners. Getting Steel and Silver outside for exercise ensures Mahomes gets moving too. Throwing balls and playing fetch with his dogs engages his muscles in a low-impact workout. Going to the park to play with other dogs and their owners also gets Mahomes socializing while being active.

On days off when resting sore muscles may be tempting, caring for the dogs’ needs and ensuring they get exercise provides external motivation to stay active. Regular activity has benefits like improved cardiovascular health, better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, and weight management – all important for an athlete. Dogs may help Mahomes maintain a baseline of fitness even outside of his intense football training schedule.

Routine and Responsibility

Dogs thrive on routine – at set times each day they need to be fed, walked, played with, and have their other needs met. Having dogs in his life likely provides Mahomes with a sense of normalcy, routine, and responsibility even amidst his unpredictable football schedule.

Caring for Steel and Silver means Mahomes has to stick to a schedule for their care no matter what. This likely gives his life valuable structure during times when football commitments can disrupt normal routines. Tasks like waking up early to walk and feed the dogs before a morning practice or game help regulate his sleep and eating habits.

The responsibility of owning pets also fosters important qualities for success like commitment, dependability, and leadership. Mahomes knows his dogs depend on him for their well-being. Meeting their needs successfully requires organization, consistency, and follow-through – skills that likely carry over positively to his approach on the football field as well.

Joy and Unconditional Love

More than anything, dogs provide their owners with pure, unconditional joy and love. For elite athletes constantly seeking to improve and achieve at the highest level, a dog’s simple affection and enthusiasm can offer an emotional boost when needed most.

After tough losses, long travel, or grueling practices, coming home to a wagging tail and an excited greeting from Steel and Silver is a guaranteed way to lift Mahomes’ mood. Their joy at his arrival reminds him that as a football player he has off-the-field value beyond just his performance. The acceptance and affection dogs offer could help Mahomes feel emotionally supported and cared for during challenging times in his career.

Petting a dog has been shown to lower cortisol and increase oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine levels in the body – chemicals that induce feelings of relaxation, trust, and pleasure. For an athlete managing immense pressure, those positive emotional benefits could make a meaningful difference. Steel and Silver may provide the unconditional love and comfort that helps Mahomes stay mentally strong and resilient through both victory and defeat.

Metal Inspiration

Considering the “metal” theme of Steel and Silver’s names, it’s possible Mahomes finds additional inspiration from his dogs. Steel represents strength, resilience, and toughness – all qualities crucial for success as an NFL quarterback. When facing adversity on or off the field, Steel’s namesake could remind Mahomes to be as strong and unyielding as steel.

Silver evokes ideas of calmness, focus, clarity, and precision – also valuable mindsets. Perhaps playing with or just being around Silver helps Mahomes achieve a peaceful, focused state of mind prior to big games. Silver may provide a reminder to stay centered amidst the chaos and think clearly under pressure like the gleam of polished silver.

While this is just speculation, finding motivation from his dogs’ names demonstrates how Mahomes could gain additional mental and emotional benefits beyond their companionship. Steel and Silver’s influence may aid his ability to persist through challenges and make smart in-the-moment decisions – both important factors in his standout career thus far.


In conclusion, while we don’t know for certain how Patrick Mahomes’ dogs impact his life, research indicates they could provide him with meaningful stress relief, companionship, motivation to stay active, a sense of routine and responsibility, as well as unconditional joy and love. As a high-profile NFL quarterback facing immense pressure, these benefits may enhance both his physical and mental well-being. Steel and Silver’s presence seems to offer Mahomes an oasis of calm affection to counteract the stresses of his demanding job. Their companionship could also strengthen his social and emotional resilience. Considering the “metal” theme of their names, Steel and Silver may even spur additional inspiration and focus. Overall, canine companionship appears uniquely suited to support Mahomes’ success both on and off the football field.

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