July 7, 2024

Jason Kelce shares his top fitness ‘don’ts’ to help you reach your goals! From skipping warm-ups to neglecting rest days, here’s what to avoid

# Jason Kelce’s “Don’t Do” List: Fitness Edition

Jason Kelce, the veteran center for the Philadelphia Eagles, is renowned for his dedication to fitness and unconventional approach to training. At 34 years old and entering his 12th NFL season, Kelce continues to dominate at one of the most physically demanding positions in football through relentless commitment to his health and performance.

In a recent interview, Kelce shared some of the key principles that guide his workout routine and help him stay at the top of his game year after year. While his “Don’t Do” list is tailored specifically for an elite NFL athlete, there are many valuable lessons that can apply to fitness enthusiasts and athletes of any level.

Let’s take a deeper look at Kelce’s “Don’t Do” list and the insights he provides into building a sustainable training program.

## 1. Don’t Focus Solely on Lifting Weights

Weightlifting undoubtedly plays an important role in Kelce’s strength and conditioning. As an offensive lineman, he needs tremendous lower body power to hold his ground against 300+ pound defenders. However, Kelce emphasizes that lifting should not be the sole focus of one’s training.

“I see a lot of guys who just lift weights, lift weights, lift weights,” Kelce said. “That leads to muscle imbalances and injuries if that’s all you do.”

Instead, Kelce incorporates other modalities like cardio, yoga, plyometrics, and bodyweight exercises to work his entire musculoskeletal system. On days when he’s not lifting heavy in the gym, he might do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, go for a long run, or do a yoga flow at home.

Variety in training helps address potential weaknesses, improves overall fitness, and prevents overuse injuries that can stem from repetitive lifting motions. It’s about finding a balanced routine.

“My main focus is overall fitness—being able to move well and have endurance,” Kelce explained. “Lifting is just one part of the puzzle.”

## 2. Don’t Neglect Mobility and Flexibility

Good mobility is just as important as strength for an athlete, yet it’s an area that often gets overlooked. Kelce dedicates significant time and attention to improving his range of motion through targeted flexibility and mobility exercises.

On non-lifting days, he’ll do yoga, stretching, joint rotations, foam rolling, and other techniques to enhance his mobility. “I’m always trying to get more flexible. That’s a big part of preventing injuries for me,” Kelce noted.

As an offensive lineman, having exceptional ankle, hip, and shoulder mobility is crucial for withstanding low blows and maintaining proper form during blocks. It also helps Kelce recover more quickly from the rigors of NFL games and practices.

He foam rolls daily, does yoga 2-3 times per week, and incorporates dynamic warmups like walking lunges, lateral shuffles, and high knees into every workout. Maintaining flexibility through soft tissue work and movement is a cornerstone of his training philosophy.

## 3. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Things

While Kelce has found success with his current program, he’s not afraid to experiment and challenge himself with different types of exercise. He believes constantly mixing things up is important for long-term progress and injury prevention.

“I’m always trying new classes, new sports, new hobbies—anything to keep my body guessing,” Kelce said. Some unconventional activities he’s incorporated include rock climbing, martial arts, surfing, and mountain biking.

In the offseason, he’ll take up paddleboarding, kayaking, or join a recreational basketball league just for fun. During the season, he tries new workout classes like barre, TRX suspension training, or kettlebell circuits for variety.

Kelce understands that doing the same routines over and over can lead to stagnation. Stepping outside his comfort zone with novel movements and muscle recruitment patterns has kept things feeling fresh after over a decade in the league.

It’s a lesson for all athletes and exercisers—don’t be afraid to branch out and sample new sports, classes, or modalities. Trying something different, even if you’re just learning, can provide unexpected benefits.

## 4. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

In a sport like football filled with elite specimens of athleticism, it would be easy for Kelce to get caught up comparing his physique or performance to teammates. However, he pointedly avoids this trap.

“I try not to compare myself to other guys. We all have different strengths,” Kelce acknowledged. At 6’3″ and 295 pounds, his build is stockier than some linemen. But that physique perfectly suits his role.

He understands that everyone’s fitness journey is individual based on genetics, position requirements, injury history, and more. The only competition is with himself—to get stronger, more mobile, or hit new benchmarks each offseason.

Kelce believes respecting your own strengths and limitations is paramount. As he’s gotten older, he’s learned to appreciate subtle improvements in mobility or power over chasing unrealistic standards set by peers in their physical primes.

For recreational athletes or gym-goers, comparison can be equally detrimental. Focus should be placed on achieving personal bests and continuously bettering yourself—not worrying how you stack up to someone else. Your fitness path is yours alone.

## 5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Elite as he is, Kelce isn’t too proud to seek guidance from experts when needed. He employs a full-time trainer, physical therapist, and nutritionist to optimize his program.

“I’m not afraid to ask questions or get advice from professionals,” Kelce said. This includes ensuring lifts, movements, and routines are done with proper form to avoid injury down the line.

For complex exercises, he’ll record himself and have his trainer review technique. His physical therapist designs customized mobility protocols. And his nutritionist helps him fuel for performance through periodized macronutrient plans.

Investing in knowledgeable coaches and specialists has been invaluable over Kelce’s career. It’s a lesson for recreational or amateur athletes that outside perspective and advice can take your progress to the next level—especially when it comes to injury prevention.

Don’t be afraid to utilize the resources available, whether that’s personal trainers at your gym, sports medicine professionals, or online fitness communities. Form checks, program design, and nutritional guidance from experts can make a big difference.

## 6. Don’t Give Up Easily

Consistency is everything when it comes to achieving fitness transformations, and Kelce embodies relentless dedication. Minor setbacks don’t deter him—he just keeps pushing forward.

“In this game, you’re going to have ups and downs. Injuries happen,” Kelce acknowledged. But he refuses to let obstacles derail him for long. Through rehab, modified training, and sheer perseverance, he battles back better than before.

Even on days he’s not feeling 100%, Kelce finds a way to complete his workout, whether it’s at a lower intensity or targeting different areas. He understands the importance of showing up and putting in the work, especially as he ages in a punishing sport.

For recreational athletes, it’s easy to fall off the wagon with diet or drop workouts if life gets busy or progress isn’t linear. Kelce’s consistency is inspiring. He proves that slow, steady dedication to your fitness goals will lead to results over time if you never give up.

## 7. Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Despite his intense, meticulous approach, Kelce makes sure fitness remains an enjoyable part of his lifestyle. He finds ways to make workouts stimulating and never loses sight of why he’s committing so fervently to his health in the first place.

“It can’t feel like a job—it has to be something you look forward to,” Kelce explained. That’s why he’s constantly trying new sports and classes, listening to upbeat music, or working out with friends and teammates.

For Kelce, enjoying the process is key to long-term adherence and success. Recreational athletes and gym-goers would be wise to follow this philosophy as well. Whether it’s varying your routine, socializing during workouts, or incorporating hobbies you genuinely love, finding the fun factor will sustain your motivation long-term.

## Additional Considerations from Kelce

Beyond his “Don’t Do” list, Kelce offered some other valuable nuggets of advice based on his experience:

– **Listen to your body.** He emphasizes the importance of rest days, especially as you age or come off injuries. Don’t be afraid to scale back intensity or take an extra day off if soreness lingers.

– **Find balance between pushing limits and recovery.** Kelce trains hard but also prioritizes relaxation, adequate sleep, hydration and nutrition to support his training.

– **Holistic health matters.** He believes in a multifaceted approach addressing not just the physical but also mental, emotional and social aspects of well-being. Things like meditation, spending time with loved ones, and limiting stress are just as important to him.

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