July 7, 2024

Jason Kelce reveals the priceless lessons he gleaned from studying NFL legend Larry Allen’s career.

Invaluable Lessons Jason Kelce Learned from Larry Allen’s Career

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As one of the greatest offensive linemen to ever play the game, Larry Allen left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire future generations of players. For Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce, Allen’s illustrious career served as the ultimate case study on achieving excellence at the NFL level. Now in his 10th season, Kelce has emerged as one of the premier offensive linemen of his era by applying many of the invaluable lessons he learned from studying Allen’s technique, work ethic, leadership, and overall approach to the game.

Dominance Through Technique
Allen was known for his exceptional technique, which allowed him to consistently control the line of scrimmage against even the most physically gifted defenders. His footwork was impeccable, as he could slide laterally with ease to cut off angles. Allen also had mastered hand placement, using his massive arms and hands to latch onto defenders and steer them wherever he pleased.

Kelce recognized early in his career that proper technique was essential for success at the NFL level. He began meticulously studying film of Allen, breaking down the nuances of his stance, leverage, and timing. “The thing that always stood out to me about Larry was just how technically sound he was,” Kelce said. “His footwork, his hand placement—it was perfect on every single play.”

Kelce worked tirelessly to refine his own technique, putting an emphasis on maintaining a balanced, staggered stance. He focused on keeping his hands inside the defender’s chest plate and driving with his legs upon contact. These technical adjustments allowed Kelce to consistently win battles at the point of attack. Just like Allen, Kelce’s technique became so ingrained that he could focus solely on his assignment without having to think about mechanics. His dominance up front is a testament to the invaluable lessons learned from Allen’s film study.

Physicality and Aggression
At 6’3 and 315 pounds, Allen was a physical specimen who used his rare size and strength to overwhelm defenders. But what set him apart was his relentless aggression and mean streak. Allen played with a violent intensity, looking to punish anyone standing across from him on every single snap. He finished blocks with authority and relished delivering big hits in the open field on screens and pulls.

Kelce recognized that embracing this level of physicality would be essential for him to thrive at the NFL level despite giving up size to most defensive linemen. In the weight room, Kelce focused on increasing his strength and power output. On the field, he studied Allen’s aggressive mindset and learned to use his leverage and power to finish blocks. Kelce no longer shied away from contact but instead attacked defenders with a controlled aggression. His physicality quickly became a defining trait, as Kelce imposed his will against even the most dominant defenders. He proved that proper technique combined with aggression could more than make up for any perceived size disadvantage.

Leadership and Mentorship
Beyond his on-field dominance, Allen was one of the most respected veterans in the NFL due to his leadership qualities. He took younger players under his wing, mentoring them on everything from technique to work ethic. Allen led vocally as well, rallying his offensive linemates and keeping them focused during games. His teammates would run through a wall for him due to the way he invested in and inspired those around him.

Kelce admired Allen’s leadership abilities and knew that he would need to fill a similar role for the Eagles. He made it a priority to build strong relationships with his fellow linemen and help bring along younger players. On game days, Kelce’s vocal leadership is a driving force for Philadelphia’s offense. Off the field, he mentors rookies and helps them acclimate to the NFL lifestyle. Kelce’s teammates respect and respond to his leadership in the same way players did with Allen. By emulating Allen’s mentorship approach, Kelce has developed into one of the premier leaders in the NFL.

Longevity and Consistency
Perhaps Allen’s most impressive trait was his ability to perform at an elite level for over 15 seasons in the NFL. Despite playing one of the most physically demanding positions, Allen was remarkably durable and consistent in his production. He made a record 195 consecutive starts and continued dominating well into his 30s.

Kelce recognized early that longevity would be critical to carving out his own legacy. He understood the physical and mental toll of an NFL season and knew that consistency would be key. Kelce has taken tremendous care of his body through diet, training, and rest. On game days, he brings the same level of physicality and intensity snap after snap, quarter after quarter. Now in his 10th season, Kelce is still performing at an All-Pro caliber and shows no signs of slowing down. His durability and consistency serve as a testament to the diligent approach he has taken, which was directly influenced by Allen’s long and productive career.

The Importance of Preparation
While gifted physically, Allen’s work ethic set him apart. He was meticulous in his film study, breaking down tendencies of every defensive lineman he would face. Allen would spend extra time practicing pass sets, run blocks, and double teams to refine his technique even further. Come game day, he had seen every scenario on film and was fully prepared to execute.

Kelce quickly learned the importance of thorough mental and physical preparation from Allen’s example. He arrives early and stays late, studying hours of film each week. Kelce analyzes defensive line stunts and blitz packages to get a head start on his assignments. On the practice field, he works on refining his footwork, hand placement, and combo blocks. Come Sundays, Kelce plays with the calm, controlled demeanor of a player who has seen it all before due to his extensive preparation. His film study and practice habits have become the cornerstone of his success, replicating Allen’s diligent approach.

Overcoming Adversity
Allen faced immense challenges throughout his career that would have derailed many others. He overcame multiple knee injuries and surgeries that had experts questioning if he could even play again. Off the field, Allen battled personal issues but was able to turn his life around. Each time he was faced with adversity, Allen responded with the same resolve, using the setbacks as fuel to prove his doubters wrong.

Kelce has also faced his fair share of obstacles, from injuries to self-doubt. But he has consistently responded with the same grit and determination that Allen exemplified. After tearing his ACL in college, Kelce was undrafted but refused to be denied his NFL dream. He has battled through numerous injuries and ailments to start over 100 straight games. Kelce draws inspiration from Allen’s resilience and ability to overcome any challenge through hard work and perseverance. His willingness to fight through adversity is a direct result of studying Allen’s example.

The Power of Teamwork
While individually dominant, Allen recognized that football was the ultimate team sport. He took pride in being part of some of the most prolific offenses in NFL history, anchored by dominant offensive lines in Dallas and San Francisco. Allen made it his mission to elevate those around him through communication, double teams, and pulling to make big plays possible.

Kelce understands that his individual success is directly tied to those around him. He has helped transform Philadelphia’s offensive line into one of the NFL’s best by emphasizing cohesion, communication, and unselfish play. Kelce is a maestro at the line of scrimmage, orchestrating blocks and adjusting protections. He takes pride in springing big runs and providing time for his quarterback, just as Allen did throughout his career. By focusing on team-first play like Allen, Kelce has helped the Eagles achieve offensive success that would not be possible without strong unit cohesion.

The Value of Respect
While feared by opponents, Allen was also highly respected around the league for how he carried himself on and off the field. He played with controlled aggression and sportsmanship, avoiding unnecessary roughness penalties. Allen treated everyone with dignity, from coaches to fans. His professional demeanor and work ethic earned him admiration everywhere he went.

Kelce has adopted this mindset of earning respect through actions rather than bravado. He plays with controlled physicality within the rules of the game. Off the field, Kelce represents the city of Philadelphia with class and dignity through his community work. While fiercely competitive, Kelce maintains excellent sportsmanship that has made him a favorite of coaches, teammates, and fans alike. By following Allen’s example of carrying himself with respect, Kelce has developed into one of the most respected players in the NFL.

The Pursuit of Excellence
What truly separated Allen from his peers was an unquenchable thirst for constant improvement and an unrelenting pursuit of excellence. While others were content with individual accolades or championships, Allen was always striving to get better and help his team achieve more. He brought this mindset to every practice, meeting, and game, refusing to be outworked.

Kelce has adopted this same relentless attitude in his quest for greatness. While others may rest on past success, Kelce is never satisfied and is constantly studying to improve. He holds himself and his teammates to the highest standards each week, refusing to let up even when winning comfortably.


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