July 7, 2024

Brett Favre shares his secret for conquering jet lag like a pro! ✈️ Learn his simple strategy now!

# Brett Favre’s Jet Lag Strategy

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For 20 seasons, Brett Favre dominated the NFL as arguably one of the toughest and most durable quarterbacks to ever play the game. What made Favre so effective for so long despite the physical toll of the position? Part of it was his legendary toughness and willingness to play through pain. But another often overlooked factor was his meticulous approach to managing jet lag—a challenge that comes with the territory of playing professional football where teams frequently travel across multiple time zones over the course of a season.

As someone who played in the NFL for two decades, mostly with the Green Bay Packers, Favre logged countless hours on planes crisscrossing the country. He played games in London, Tokyo, and Hawaii in addition to regular road games throughout the United States. All that travel took its toll, and Favre had to find ways to minimize the draining effects of jet lag if he wanted to perform at his best on Sundays.

Over the years, Favre developed and refined a jet lag strategy that allowed him to bounce back quickly from coast-to-coast trips and long international flights. His approach focused on proper hydration, sleep, diet, exercise, and patience. Let’s take a closer look at the key components of Brett Favre’s jet lag prevention plan.

## Hydrate Before, During, and After Flight

One of the first things Favre did to combat jet lag was make sure to drink plenty of water. He knew that flying is dehydrating due to low humidity levels in plane cabins. So in the days leading up to a long flight, he would drink extra water to ensure his body was well hydrated before even stepping on the plane.

On flights themselves, Favre made it a point to have a full water bottle with him and sip from it regularly throughout the trip. Staying hydrated helped prevent headaches, fatigue, and other symptoms associated with dehydration that can worsen the effects of jet lag.

And after landing at his destination, Favre continued the hydration strategy by drinking water to rehydrate his body in the new time zone. Proper hydration is key for adjusting to changes in circadian rhythms caused by rapid long-distance travel.

## Get as Much Sleep as Possible on the Plane

While it’s not always possible to get a full night’s sleep on a plane, Favre did his best to rest his body during flights. He would bring noise-cancelling headphones, an eye mask, and comfortable clothes to help him relax. If the flight left during normal sleeping hours, he tried to doze off as much as he could.

Even if he only got a few hours of rest airborne, Favre found it was better than not sleeping at all. Any sleep—even disrupted sleep—helped reset his body’s clock a bit for the new time zone. And it meant he arrived at his destination feeling more refreshed than if he had fought sleep the whole trip.

## Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep patterns and dehydrate the body. Alcohol is also dehydrating. So Favre avoided both caffeine and alcohol during long flights and for a day or two after landing to give his body the best chance at adjusting naturally to the new time zone.

If he did want a pick-me-up on the plane, he stuck to herbal tea or water instead of coffee or other caffeinated drinks. And he passed on in-flight alcoholic beverages in favor of staying hydrated. This clean eating and drinking approach helped minimize potential jet lag side effects.

## Adjust Sleep Schedule ASAP

Upon arrival at his destination, whether for a road game or return trip home, Favre’s priority was adjusting his sleep-wake cycle to the local time zone as soon as possible. Even if it meant being tired that first night, he would stay up late or go to bed early to reset his body clock.

The longer he waited to shift to the new schedule, the harder it would be. So Favre pushed through initial grogginess and did whatever it took to fall asleep and wake up aligned with the time zone he was now in. This expedited his adjustment period and had him feeling closer to normal much more quickly.

## Get Sunlight Exposure

To further aid his circadian rhythm reset, Favre made sure to get outside in natural sunlight during the day at his travel destination. Whether taking a short walk outside or sitting by a window, exposure to bright light helped synchronize his internal clock with environmental cues like sunrise and sunset.

This sunlight strategy was particularly important in locations with significantly different time zones than where Favre departed. Things like east coast to west coast trips required maximal light exposure to combat jet lag most effectively. A few minutes in the sun went a long way according to Favre.

## Incorporate Light Exercise

In addition to hydration, sleep, and light therapy, Favre believed that gentle physical activity supported his jet lag recovery. He preferred light exercises like walking, stretching, or an easy bike ride to help stimulate blood flow and clear his head after long flights.

Strenuous workouts were avoided, as they could further tax his already fatigued body. But gentle movement assisted his adjustment to new time zones. It also served as a nice way to start acclimating to the climate and elevation of wherever he had landed.

## Eat a Clean, Light Diet

When it came to in-flight and post-flight meals, Favre stuck to easily digestible, hydrating foods. He avoided heavy, greasy meals that could weigh him down or cause digestive issues. Carbs, fats, and proteins were balanced.

Favre also limited sugary snacks and caffeinated or alcoholic drinks as mentioned earlier. This clean eating approach kept his energy levels stable without potential crash side effects. It supported his hydration and overall jet lag recovery in a gentle, nourishing way.

## Take Short Daytime Naps if Needed

If fatigue hit hard despite his best efforts, Favre didn’t hesitate to steal a power nap. He found short 20-30 minute snoozes during the day could refresh him without disrupting his overall sleep-wake cycle too much.

Napping recharged his battery just enough to keep pushing through potential grogginess or brain fog until his body fully adjusted to the new time zone. It was a strategy Favre employed judiciously as needed rather than making naps a daily habit.

## Be Patient With the Process

Lastly, Favre stressed the importance of patience. He knew full circadian realignment after drastic time zone changes could take several days. So he didn’t get discouraged if he still felt off during that adjustment window.

As long as he was following his proven jet lag prevention plan, Favre trusted his body would catch up naturally over the course of a few sunrises and sunsets. He took things day by day and did his best not to overexert mentally or physically until back in sync.

## Putting it All Together

By consistently implementing this multi-faceted approach, Favre was able to bounce back from jet lag much faster than if he had tried to tough it out or rely solely on willpower. The combination of hydration, sleep, light exposure, diet, exercise and rest served as a force multiplier against the fatigue of long-distance travel.

It allowed Favre to feel closer to normal within 24-48 hours after most flights rather than lingering in a fog for several days. Come game time on Sunday, whether home or away, he arrived well prepared to perform at his physical and mental peak.

While not a cure-all for jet lag, Favre’s strategy streamlined his adjustment and got his body and mind back in synch with local time zones efficiently. The results speak for themselves, as he played professionally well into his 40s with incredible longevity unheard of at his position.

Proper jet lag prevention was an important part of Favre’s overall ability to withstand two decades in the NFL grind. His approach demonstrates how making small, targeted lifestyle tweaks can significantly help the body overcome disruptions to its internal clock caused by travel across time zones. With discipline and consistency, anyone can apply Favre’s lessons to fly better.


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