July 7, 2024

Breaking the Mold: Jason Kelce’s Surprising Secret for Unwinding After the Battle

Finding Relief After the Whistle: How Jason Kelce Unwinds

The final whistle blows, signaling the end of another hard-fought NFL game for Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce. After battling in the trenches for nearly three hours, Kelce is physically and mentally drained. But the competitive fire still burns inside him. While the adrenaline from the game starts to fade, Kelce knows he needs an effective way to decompress and fully unwind before turning his focus to the next opponent on the schedule.

As one of the smallest and grittiest centers in the league, Kelce plays with an intense passion and toughness that has made him a fan favorite in Philadelphia. But that intensity comes at a cost. After leaving it all on the field, Kelce’s body is battered and his mind is exhausted. He needs strategies to help his mind and body fully relax and recover. Over the years, Kelce has experimented with different methods of unwinding to find what works best for him. Here’s a closer look at some of the top techniques Kelce employs after the whistle blows to truly relax.

Physical Relaxation Techniques

One of the most important parts of Kelce’s post-game routine involves physically relaxing his tired muscles and joints. As one of the players taking the most brutal hits on every play, Kelce knows he must find ways to ease the aches and pains in his body. Two techniques he regularly incorporates are massage and hot baths or saunas.

Massage: No one understands Kelce’s body better than his personal massage therapist, who has worked with him for years. Within hours of the final whistle, Kelce makes his way to the therapist’s table for a deep tissue massage. The strong hands work out the knots and kinks that have built up over the course of the punishing game. Whether it’s his shoulders, back, or legs, the massage helps to loosen tight muscles and improve circulation. Kelce says he can literally feel the tension melting away as the session progresses. Within an hour of deep pressure and skilled manipulation, Kelce’s body feels loose and relaxed – a welcome sensation after the rigors of an NFL Sunday.

Hot Bath or Sauna: On weeks when his body is especially battered, Kelce opts for a long, hot soak instead of a massage. He fills his home jacuzzi or soaks in the sauna at the team facility to bring extra heat to his tired muscles. The high temperatures help to improve circulation and relax tight muscles even more than a massage alone. Kelce finds the moist heat therapy incredibly soothing. Whether in the tub or sauna, he can feel his muscles unwinding bit by bit. The hot water carries away aches, pains, and mental tension accumulated over the game. By the time he emerges, his body is completely relaxed and his mind is calm and clear.

Of course, massage and hot baths aren’t options in every city due to travel and scheduling. But Kelce makes sure to schedule regular sessions, especially after divisional games, primetime matchups, and playoff contests. The physical relaxation techniques are core parts of his unwinding process.

Mental Relaxation Techniques

While physical relaxation aids his recovery, Kelce knows the mental aspect of decompression is just as important. To truly unwind his mind after an intense NFL Sunday, he employs strategies like yoga, meditation, and spending quality time with loved ones.

Yoga or Meditation: On his off days, Kelce heads to a local yoga studio or meditation class. The slow, controlled movements combined with deep breathing help to relax both his body and mind. Whether holding poses or sitting in stillness, Kelce finds yoga and meditation tremendously helpful for releasing built-up tension and anxiety. He’s able to fully clear his head of game plans, schemes, and plays, instead focusing only on his breath and present sensations. Kelce has noticed the mental clarity and calmness these practices provide carry over well into the next week of preparation.

Spending Time with Loved Ones: One of Kelce’s favorite ways to unwind is catching up with his wife and family after a game. Being with those who love and support him unconditionally helps take his mind off football. They’ll cook a relaxing meal together, watch a funny movie, play games with the kids – anything to engage in positive social interaction. Laughing and sharing casual conversation with his closest companions is hugely therapeutic for Kelce. It reminds him of the important things outside the game and leaves him feeling recharged.

Spending Time in Nature: On beautiful fall afternoons after home games, Kelce enjoys taking a long walk through a nearby park or trail. Immersing himself in natural greenery and fresh air provides the ultimate mental relaxation. He’s able to fully decompress while soaking up the natural scenery. Birds chirping, trees rustling in the breeze – it’s extremely calming sensory input compared to the high intensity of the football field. A stroll outdoors leaves Kelce feeling rejuvenated and centered before the coming week.

Unique Relaxation Techniques

While the above strategies form the core of Kelce’s unwinding process, he also incorporates some more unique techniques tailored specifically to his personal interests. These help satisfy both his competitive fire and love of pop culture.

Hanging Out with Bills Mafia: Remember those now-viral videos of Kelce partying with Bills fans in Rochester before a preseason game? Interacting with those legendary Bills supporters in a relaxed social setting seems to be Kelce’s idea of a good time. He loves their passion and likes nothing more than throwing back a few beers with fans of “America’s Team.” It satisfies his competitive spirit while allowing him to unwind in a fun, low-pressure environment.

Catching Up on Pop Culture: As an avid movie buff and fan of hit shows like Game of Thrones, Kelce enjoys dedicating downtime to catch up on the latest entertainment. Scrolling through his DVR or streaming services after games lets him fully relax while engaging with favorite films, series and music. It provides a perfect mental break from football.

Finding the Right Balance

Of course, not every week allows for all of these relaxation techniques. Kelce has to find the right balance based on injuries, schedule and other commitments. But over the years, he’s honed in on what works best for his specific needs after grueling NFL contests. The combination of physical, mental and personally tailored activities have proven highly effective for unwinding his body and mind. With a dedicated post-game routine, Kelce is able to fully recharge both on and off the field. And Eagles fans are grateful for all the grit, passion and leadership he brings to each snap, week after week.

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